The Best Quality Butterfly Tape in Hair Extensions Manufacturer

Butterfly Tape in Hair Extensions

Butterfly Tape in Hair Extensions

What Are Butterfly Tape in Hair Extensions?
Butterfly Tape in Hair Extensions, unlike regular tapes, are smaller in tab size. Regular tapes are 4cmx0,8mm but Butterfly tapes are 2cm X 0,8mm. So Being smaller in size creates a more natural blend and flow with your natural hair, less visible when wearing your hair in up styles and more flexible so less hair loss and damage. Join the thousand  of clients who are in love with their switch to Butterfly Tape in Hair Extensions!

Do Butterfly Tape in Hair Extensions Contain Less Hair?

Yes. Beacause regular tape in hair extensions sizes 4 X 0,8mm we cut theme half sizes as Butterfly Tape in Hair Extensions. They contain the half size as packets of regular tapes so you are not getting short changed when it comes to purchasing mini tapes. There is just more flexible on each tape to compensate the width.

Butterfly Tape in Hair Extensions are the ultimate strand-by-strand tape extension that are discreet and designed to be applied in areas where other extensions cannot be applied. Butterfly Tape in Hair Extensions can be added to the temple area, parietal ridge, crown, and anywhere in between to add fullness and chemical-free color effects.

  • Half an wide of regular tape in hair (1CM X 0,8MM)40
  • Butterfly Tape in Hair Extensions
  • Pure Virgin Human HairFold over and apply in seconds.
  • Add highlights or fill in the crown of the head for a full hair extension experience
  • 1 pack needed for highlights, 3-4 for full set of Butterfly Tape in Hair Extensions.
  • Butterfly Tape in Hair Extensions last 8-12 weeks per wear and are reusable